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Travel Grants

Travel Grants

Donald R. Weyenberg Memorial Student Travel Grants

The Midland Section offers small travel grants to help students present their work at scientific meetings. Since 1999 the grant has been known as the Donald R. Weyenberg Memorial Student Travel Grant in honor of Don Weyenberg, a pioneering research chemist who strongly promoted science and believed in the value of students attending scientific meetings and conferences to present their work. Guidelines for eligibility are listed below:

  • The applicant must be enrolled in an institution of higher learning within the territory of the Midland Section (Midland, Isabella, Gratiot, Bay, and Saginaw counties).
  • The applicant must be pursuing an academic degree in chemistry or biochemistry or one of their sub-specialties.
  • The applicant must be the presenter of a paper or poster at said meeting. Only one travel award will be made for papers with multiple authors.
  • Travel shall be to a regional or national ACS meeting, or other chemistry related technical meeting.
  • Travel is limited to the continental United States or Canada.
  • The applicant must provide an estimated travel budget. ACS board decides the amount of financial help for each applicant. (e.g.: $250/applicant and first come/first served basis.)
  • The applicant must identify other sources of already-committed or applied-for funding.
  • The applicant is only eligible for Midland Section travel funds once in a calendar year.
  • The applicant’s request must be sponsored by a member of the Midland Section.

·         The applicant will be expected to present the paper or poster at the Fall Scientific Meeting, if possible.

To apply, fill out the application form and e-mail it according to the instructions on the form.

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