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    Next Board Meeting October 9th

    Register for meeting at midlandfsm.org

    2024 Fall Scientific Meeting

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    4th Annual Frankenstein Friday
    Oct. 25th

    At the Center for the Arts!
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    Halloween Bash - October 26th

    Get ready for Holloween with a Pumpkin Party!

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    Pumpkin Party - Oct. 29th

    Click Here to see all photos from the 2024 Awards Banquet!

    2024 Awards Banquet Photo Gallery

    ACS is proud to present educational
    videos! Click here for the videos!

    ACS Educational Videos Are Available!

Teacher/Student Support

Student Support:

Please see below for several links that are tailored for student support/viewing.

Teacher Support:


Volunteers offer teacher workshops, which can be requested by groups of at least 10 (and no more than 30) teachers, gathered usually for six hours. The workshops are free, and provide opportunities for teachers to do hands-on experiments designed to be useful in their classrooms. They are given booklets with descriptions of these activities (and sometimes additional ones), along with enrichment ideas, safety information, and sources for supplies. Often continuing education credits (now called SCECHs in MI) are given for these workshops.

Each year our volunteers try to offer a workshop at the spring Michigan Science Teacher Association meeting, and one or two during Science Week at Pittcon (out of state) in March.

The programs developed for workshops are:

Bringing Science to Life in the Classroom (16 units: states of matter, acids and bases, chemical reactions, nutrition)

Sci Tech Next Generation Part 1 (compliant with Next Generation Science Standards): 6 units, with multiple activities–Observation and Measurement, Density, Water, Weather and Climate, Energy and the Interface between Science and Technology

Sci Tech Next Generation Part 2(compliant with Next Generation Science Standards): 5 units (independent of Part 1, each with many activites)–Chemical Reactions, Science of the Small, Polymers, Forces, and Waves.

Science Coaching

The Midland Section has participated in the National ACS Science Coaching program since its pilot stages. Coaching links a science professional with a teacher (usually at middle school level); the goals are frequent communication and support for the educator in the manner needed. In addition, funds are also provided to the school for use on science supplies. For more information, contact the Outreach Chair, or read further at http://www.acs.org/content/acs/en/education/outreach/science-coaches.html

Midland Section Teacher Travel Grants

The Midland Section offers small travel grants to help teachers attend scientific meetings focusing on science education. Guidelines for eligibility are listed below:

  • The applicant must be a science teacher within the territory of the Midland Section (Midland, Isabella, Gratiot, Bay, and Saginaw counties).
  • Travel shall be to a meeting focused on science education.
  • Travel is limited to the continental United States or Canada.
  • The applicant must provide an estimated travel budget. ACS board decides the amount of financial help for each applicant. (e.g.: $250/applicant and first come/first served basis.)
  • The applicant must identify other sources of already-committed or applied-for funding.
  • The applicant is only eligible for Midland Section travel funds once in a calendar year.

·         The applicant’s request must be sponsored by a member of the Midland Section.

To apply, fill out the application form and e-mail it according to the instructions on the form.

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