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Section Leadership

Section Leadership 2023:

Current Section Chair – Hunter Woodward

Board of Directors: The Board of Directors consists of the officers of the Section (chair, chair-elect, secretary, and treasurer), the immediate Past Chair, the Councilors, the Alternate Councilors, the Chair of the Committee on Nominations and Elections, and nine Directors, all of whom are voting members. The Councilors, Alternate Councilors, and Directors are elected to three-year terms. All others are elected to one-year terms. The number in parentheses in the list below indicates the final year in office. The asterisk indicates a member of the Executive Committee.

Committee Chairs: There are four standing committees: nominations and elections, membership, program, and publicity. All other committees are established by the Board of Directors with Committee Chairs appointed by the Chair of the Section. Below is also a list of the current committee chairs.

Midland Section ACS handbook

2023 ACS Midland Leadership Team Gallery:

Erin Vogel

Krishnaja Duvvuri
Chair Elect, Programs

Paulami Majumdar

Justin Massing
Treasurer, Project Seed

Hunter Woodward
Past Chair, Scholarships

Dale LeCaptain
Councilor, Fall Scientific Meeting, H2O Q

Wendy Flory
Alternate Councilor

Reggie Bou Zerdan
Nominations & Elections Committee

Mark Jones
Director, Historian, Publicity

Michael Servinski
Director, H2O Q

Marc-Andre Courtemanche

Angelar Muthike

Kajari Bera

Dan Dermody

Gina Malczewski
Director, Historian, Outreach,
Senior Chemists, Kids in Chemistry,
National Chemistry Week, Centennial, Sustainability

Steve Keinath
Director, Midland Chemist Newsletter

Wenyi Huang

Tami Sivy

Michael Tulchinsky
Chemistry Olympiad

Eric Nelson
Fall Scientific Meeting

Tony Sokolov

Anne-Catherine Bedard
Inclusion & Diversity Committee

Kim Dinh
Inclusion & Diversity Committee

Vickie Langer
Midland Chemist Newsletter

Hannah Bailey
Mid-Michigan Technicians, National Chemistry Week, Sustainability

Diana Deese

Michelle Rivard
Project SEED

Amanda Palumbo

Michael Malczewski

Isabel Meza
Women Chemists Committee

Women Chemists Committee

Andre Yvon Bessette
Young Chemists Committee

Adam Warhausen
Young Chemists Committee

Peter Larkwoski
Young Chemists Committee

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